
Showing posts from July 10, 2016

Five loaves &...

Five loaves… Often times I have heard the story of the five loaves of bread and two fish being preached, and the message is always about our needs being met. And as I would read the story over and over, I believed the same thing, until this very day, when I had to read the passage again, and asked that they Holy Spirit not make it familiar to me, but open my understanding to get something new, and that, my friend, was what happened. I’ll kindly ask that you come with me on this trip, as we explore the book of Mark 6:30-44. You see, Jesus asking the disciples what they had, knew they really had nothing, but He wanted them to acknowledge that and come to Him empty handed, so that He could fill their hands up with all that they needed to reach out to the people. The five loaves of bread Jesus broke for the large group, represents Him who the Bible says is the bread of life. It is safe then to say that Jesus fed the multitude, of Himself. In a way He was trying to remind them that...