
Showing posts from March, 2017

Conversation between a mother & daughter...

“Mama, I see you chewing gum, can I have some? And my response, “There’s no more gum hun, I took the last one” She then picks up the empty pack to make sure I was telling the truth. Who does that? At that moment, being the sensitive human that I am, I lashed out and made her feel really bad for not believing in me enough to just take my word for it. Hey before you crucify me for taking it so personal, this is not the first time such conversation has taken place between us, but for some reason, on this day, I took this really personal. It was so hurtful to think that my own child that knows I would give her the world in a heartbeat didn’t even trust my words. In my sensitive moment, I heard in my spirit; “If you feel this way, imagine how I feel when you don’t believe my promises to you.” That thought caught me at my tracks, and I quickly apologized to my daughter for lashing out, and explained calmly to her how it makes me feel when she doubts my words. Now let’s apply the above s...

What really is your heart's intention?

We see in Numbers 22 how God finally agrees for Balaam to go answer to the call of Balak, but on the condition that he will speak only what God puts on his heart, which was that he couldn't curse the children of the Israelite. Trust humans, Balaam, though in agreement with God, had his own intentions. He probably thought in his heart to get there and twist God's words around (just my 21st century thinking). We know that God is all knowing, He knows our thoughts even before we think them. Did Balaam really think he could outsmart God? how silly, right? Anyhow, God knowing his thoughts, embarked on what I would like to call a battle with Balaam, and being the typical human, he couldn't even see or sense what was happening; he was probably lost in his thought, drawing out a strategic way to twist God's word around (reminds us of how we are sometimes, right?). It took a talking donkey for Balaam to realize what was happening in the invisible realm, and right in front of him...