
Showing posts from July, 2017

It's a War!!!

Today's message at church was very powerful as always. I felt that my pastor was speaking directly to me, and reminding me that as believers, we are constantly at war, we are fighting an unseen battle. The Bible reminds us in 1 Peter 5:8, that the devil our adversary goes about like an angry lion, looking for a prey to devour (paraphrased). The thing is we are not preys, but mighty warriors, we have been equipped with all that we need to take down the enemy who constantly is at war with us to steal our joy, make us feel miserable, hate ourselves, question and doubt God's promises for us. I am reminded that my fight is not against what I can see happening around me, but that which I do not see, which the enemy, the devil tries to occupy my mind with. SO dear Lord, today  as I am reminded, I thank you that the battle has been won. I thank you for your grace that enables me to keep keeping on when I feel like rolling up the towel, I ask that your word will continue to be a const...

Dream your dream...

Hmmm, it's funny how people have a subtle way of sending insults your way. But you know what? I have learned to take it with a grain of salt & smile like I just don't get it, cos that's my way of not getting offended by them & giving them control over me. Never mind what this "person" said to me. Whatever has, and is always been said to me, have been and are always my energizer tools to keep going forward, doing me and getting what I deserve, even when in there own narrow mind, I don't deserve it or I am to old & outdated for it. The little girl inside every grown woman has a desire and a dream, so no matter how long it takes that to be achieved, another person cannot dictate to you how you should receive it or if you should still want it. Don't settle for less, whatever you desire can still be a reality regardless of how old you are or what the world or especially people you hold so dear think about you. Hold your head up high, k...

The Pursuit of God

For those who know me, I never get tired of talking about my 9yrs old daughter, because she cracks me up all the time, and in all of the cracking up and wow(ment), I learn life lessons from just being around her. About a month ago, I had to go away for a little over a week for school. While I was away, missing my daughter so much, I found myself having to beg for a phone call from her. There was this thought that kept running in my head "my little girl is growing so fast, she doesn't even miss me as much as I do her." Time to get back from my long trip, got to pick her up from her friend's, she gave me a hug that on my account, wasn't what I expected. On our ride back home, I was so quick to let her know how much I had missed her, and how her not returning same was hurting my feelings; yeah, me trying to guilt the little girl (hey, I'm a mom, we're good at that). I liked her honesty though, "mom I'm sorry I didn't miss you as much as you wan...