The Pursuit of God

For those who know me, I never get tired of talking about my 9yrs old daughter, because she cracks me up all the time, and in all of the cracking up and wow(ment), I learn life lessons from just being around her. About a month ago, I had to go away for a little over a week for school. While I was away, missing my daughter so much, I found myself having to beg for a phone call from her. There was this thought that kept running in my head "my little girl is growing so fast, she doesn't even miss me as much as I do her."

Time to get back from my long trip, got to pick her up from her friend's, she gave me a hug that on my account, wasn't what I expected. On our ride back home, I was so quick to let her know how much I had missed her, and how her not returning same was hurting my feelings; yeah, me trying to guilt the little girl (hey, I'm a mom, we're good at that). I liked her honesty though, "mom I'm sorry I didn't miss you as much as you wanted me to." What? did she just admit to my worries? Oh my goodness, my child is really growing, is this what happens when they are getting close to the double digits age? What have I done? Have I taught my daughter to be so independent that she almost doesn't need me anymore? What am I going to do? As I went on and on in my head about these thoughts, trust that tiny voice to teach me a life lesson, to remind me of how I am just like my little girl to Abba.

Ouch! the truth hurts, but we have all been and some of us still are  just like my little girl. We get too comfortable with God, that we do not seek to pursue Him anymore. Oh! we will come around when we need X,Y & Z blessings, after all He is our daddy, supplier of our needs, but we forget that He desires fellowship with us. We ignore the fact that what He wants most from us is to come to Him in delight, to come fellowship with Him. He is pursuing us with all that He is, and He wants us to do same.

Search your heart, how have you become so complacent, how have you chased after the blessings rather than the one who gives all, and freely? Father God delights in your presence, He wants you to want Him so bad that you can't sit still but to pursue after Him.

"The Lord looks down from Heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God." - Psalm 14:2 (NIV).

I pray that dear daddy God fills us with desire for more of Him and all that He is, in Jesus name,-Amen.



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