"...The Horrible Thing..."

Mark 13:14-23, Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11
“…Abomination that causes desolation…” or what Contemporary English Version calls “The Horrible Thing”
We are at the beginning of trouble, God’s people need not fear, and we are being called upon now to be on our guard. The good thing is that, because of His chosen ones (true believers), this time of “the horrible things” has been shortened- it is only going to be for a little while. Our anchor should hold tightly on Jesus Christ in these last days. Our fight is not against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12). If you have never thought to pray and study the word for yourself, this is the time to start now to do so. It’s not about memorizing scriptures (though it will be nice to); it’s about feeding your spirit man, because a time is coming when what you have on the inside will come handy. If you have been feeding your spirit, be sure that the Holy Spirit will help bring all of your downloads in your database to your remembrance, when needed (Mk. 13:11).  Again, beloved, do not be afraid, for we have been given a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind (2Tim.1:7). We have been created for such a time as this, seek the face of God more than ever before, ask that His Holy Spirit possess you, because He is the only one who can make God’s heart known to you. As we focus on God, making Him our priority, He will take care of all that concerns us, He’s ever faithful to His promises. Let’s not fret like the world; we have an understanding of what is going on, so let’s keep our focus on Him who indeed warned us about the days we are in(Matt 24:15-21).

Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for your ever faithful love, and for always reminding us through your word, of your promise of peace. Blessed Holy Spirit of Jesus, I thank you for helping us, and giving us a teachable spirit. Thank you for your indwelling us gives us understanding into the things of God. Envelop us with the strength and ability to stay in that place of prayer, where only God can share His heart with us. Give us all, the grace to hold on to that which we believe in, that even in the face of adversities, we will tightly hold on to the Father who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. I thank you dear Lord Jesus for your blood that speaks protection and provision for us. I use that same blood of Jesus to draw a bloodline around our hearts, and strengthen your edge of protection around our hearts, that even in the midst of chaos and confusion; we will only have our eyes on you.  Abba, by your Holy Spirit, teach us to be gentle as a dove but wise as a serpent, so that we are not deceived by the father of all lies, who can sometimes appear as an angel of light. Thank you Father for answered prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus, which is above all other names, amen.


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