
Showing posts from August, 2016

“Life is like a Maze.”

Currently in my Counseling program we have all been challenged to adopt a spiritual discipline that we can commit to every day as we go on in the program. Now this challenge is to help us stay connected to God and not lose focus of who He is in our lives as we pursue a career in the helping profession. As professional helpers, we also reminded of the importance of self-awareness and self-care. So you can only imagine how big of a deal this is for me, that I keep God continuously at the top of my game. Anyways, I opted for a spiritual discipline that has somewhat been a real challenge for me, which is “silence.” You know, just being quiet before God and even people so you can really hear what is being said. And to be able to keep to this and not get burned out, I thought to go at it for 30mins every day before I do anything in the morning. Hey religious folks, don’t you dare begin to condemn me now, and question why I am giving God a time limit. Like I stated in the beginning, it’s...

A Spectator or a Participant?

I do not know if there is anyone out there who does this, but for me everything and everyone I come in contact with speak to me in lots of ways that I can let my imagination run. My brother would often say to me, “can’t you just have fun in the little things in live and not have to find a lesson in them?” And I would laugh and say to him “that is my fun.” On that not I bring you this piece; as I glanced through my FB page; I came across a very well set Soccer stadium. Lo and behold as I admired the beautiful greenery and the empty seats, my mind took me on an unforgettable journey. I felt I was being reminded of the role we all choose to play in this life, or on this stage called “Life.” Here is the picture that came to mind, as the field suddenly becomes the stage of “Life.” Life as a stage, we have spectators, who sit on the side line either cheering others on, or criticizing them for doing something with their time, and then we have the actual participants who are the players...

A prayer...

Prayer; Dear heavenly Father, I worship you for you are Jehovah Elohim, the creator God. The one who made the heavens and the earth, the mighty God who breathe His life into man, the creator who was never created, the one who spoke the world to be. I thank you for your grace and mercies towards your children, and thank you for your unfailing love.   Mighty Father, when I get a an opportunity to speak to people, and I hear what they say about the politics that go on in the churches today, or the dishonesty and misconduct amongst people who say they have been called by you, it really does break my heart. However Lord,   I pray for these ones that sometimes fall prey to dishonest ministers of the gospel, and also for those that do not have an understanding   of what it means to be easy on ministers you have assigned to be their cover. I pray Lord that we will learn to pray for those that you have assigned to lead us; I also pray especially for the congregation, that t...

The world awaits YOU!!!

“The whole creation waits breathless with anticipation for the revelation of God’s sons and daughters.”-Romans 8:19(CEB). Where are you, sons and daughters of the most high God, the world waits in [earnest] anticipation for your manifestation. I must bring to your awareness that now is the time for you to begin to shine forth in that which God has called you to. As the body of Christ, we need to mobilize, and come together to be able to fight against the enemy. One person cannot go at it alone, we all (the body of Christ) need each other, we need to come together in love, in one accord, with   one voice, and stop tearing each other down, as this is the only way we can be able to quieten   the enemy (devil) in his track. The devil understands the power of unity very well, so he will try every trick in his book to dissuade believers, by making them find fault in everyone, and everything in, and about the church. Do not be foolish or deceived, be mindful, and stand firm, t...