A prayer...
Dear heavenly Father, I
worship you for you are Jehovah Elohim, the creator God. The one who made the
heavens and the earth, the mighty God who breathe His life into man, the
creator who was never created, the one who spoke the world to be. I thank you
for your grace and mercies towards your children, and thank you for your unfailing
love. Mighty Father, when I get a an
opportunity to speak to people, and I hear what they say about the politics
that go on in the churches today, or the dishonesty and misconduct amongst
people who say they have been called by you, it really does break my heart.
However Lord, I pray for these ones that
sometimes fall prey to dishonest ministers of the gospel, and also for those
that do not have an understanding of
what it means to be easy on ministers you have assigned to be their cover. I
pray Lord that we will learn to pray for those that you have assigned to lead us;
I also pray especially for the congregation, that they will learn to seek you
for themselves, as this will help them be easy on others. I ask Lord that you
will give us the wisdom to know when to speak up concerning any form of
dishonesty, in Jesus glorious name I pray.-Amen.
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