Letter from God To You...
Dear Child of mine,
It’s me your Abba, I’m writing to you today to let you know how crazy in
love I am with you. And Just in case you need a reminder, I knew you even
before you were a thought in the minds of your parents, and sweetheart, did I
tell you I hand-picked them for you too?
I specifically chose you to be born into your family, into your
nationality. Don’t you ever think you were a mistake or an accident, because no
child of mine is a mistake or an accident.
I took my time in creating you, which is why I call you my MASTERPIECE.
You are one of a kind, you are exceptionally beautiful, whenever I look at you,
you bring a smile to my face, and an unexplainable joy to my heart. I look at
you, and marvel at my delicate handiwork, how precious to me you are my child. I
love you very much, don’t you ever doubt or question that. All I ask is that
you bask in my unconditional love for you. Know that there is NOTHING on this
planet or beyond that can separate you from my love. I have chosen to love you,
I am not going back on that (I never go back on my words anyways), so it’s all
up to you to accept, and walk in that love. Child dearest, you are stuck with
me, I never leave or forsake my own, and you are mine, bought with a special
price, my only son’s blood, so child of mine, it’s you and me all the way. The
sooner you begin to see yourself the way I see you, the better for us both. I
need you to begin to walk boldly in the promises I have for you, I need you to
carry out the plans I have for the world. You are very important to me and my
kingdom; I desire to have fellowship with you every day. If you would ask my Holy Spirit, He will help
you come to that place of fellowship with me, and help you reach the depths of
my heart. My peculiar child, do not be afraid to stand out from the crowd, you
were not meant to fit in anyways. You were created to be a pacesetter, you are
a born leader, you lead, and people follow. Do not be afraid to explore, I put
those gifting in you. Those desires that you feel, I put them in you, so don’t
feel awkward about them, but if you stick with me, I could bring those desires
to fruition for the benefit of the kingdom. My beloved child, I have to put
down my pen now, like I said in the beginning of this note, I just wanted to
send out a reminder, to let you know you are loved, and you mean more than the
world to me.
Your Abba.
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