Gratitude: One Key to fighting depression.
As a counseling intern, I have been
privileged to sit in a room with some of the most amazing people I have ever
met in my life. Now, I say that with all sincerity. They are amazing to me
because of what they have had to, and continue to endure. However, one common
theme with every of my clients is the depression and anxiety they present. You
may say, but everyone goes through issues, they ought to get over themselves,
suck it up and get on with life; I can imagine you say that because I have
thought that way, though I never said it out loud, but in getting to know these
people, I find out that it takes a lot more to get out of your "funk," and just
be happy. While some require medication, others just
require to be taught some coping skills. One coping skill that has worked for
me personally when I find myself in a "funk" is what I gladly share
with my clients. There is power in finding something to be grateful for in
life. When Solomon wrote in Proverbs 17: 22 that "A merry heart doeth good
like a medicine..." that is exactly what he meant. Find something to be
grateful for, regardless of what blow life throws at you, you will begin to see
changes in your demeanor, and in the way you view life in general. It is not something you do overnight, but I can assure you that with practice, and consistency, changes will begin to show.
This is to encourage someone out there
today to dare to be grateful for the little things. God bless you, and hope
your day s awesome!!!
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