Jesus' Compassion...

...Is indescribable, unexplainable, but one thing I do know is that He did all that He did out of that deep compassion He has for us all. Reading through the scriptures, I see that every where Jesus went, He  touched lives, He was moved out of compassion for people. How awesome that is, to be so deeply loved? Oh wow, how He takes my breath away.

The Bible says we'll do "greater works" if we can only believe in Christ (John 14:12). What that tells me is that I can have the same compassion that Christ had towards others, which made Him reach out to everyone who needed Him. Beloved, to be able to do & be as Christ on this earth, we have to ask His Holy Spirit to equip us with compassion, just like Jesus had. Only then will we be able to step out of ourselves to reach the lost for Christ.

Dear Lord, search our hearts, set us free from ourselves, help us to do away with those habits that do not glorify your name, Abba, fill us with your compassionate love, break our hearts for what breaks yours, help us to see others through your eyes oh Lord, in your Son's name we pray,- Amen.


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